Apa itu blog?

Hai hai kamu semua,
Apa khabar anda di sana... harap kalian dalam keadaan baik sahaja ye.

Apa itu blog? Pernah tak korang tertanya - tanya blog ni macam mana sebenarnya? Ada rules ke tak? Apa advantage yang korang dapat kalau korang join blogging ni? Apa faedah yang korang dapat? Pernah tak terlintas dekat fikiran korang soalan - soalan macam tu?

Sebenarnya huda tak pernah terlintas langsung pun nak cari blog tu apa, ada rules ke tak and apa advantage dia ke and so on, sehinggalah satu hari huda memilih tajuk blog untuk speech ( communication's subject ). So, dari situ barulah huda tahu serba sedikit pasal blog ni. Kenapa huda pilih tajuk ni? Sebab, huda dah biasa dengan blog so pada huda, mudah untuk huda story pasal blog. HEHE. ^_^

So now, let me share it with you all. HEHE..

What is blog?
Blog is known as 'web blog'. Blog is the personal online diary or you can say it as journal which allow you to share your thought and ideas, you also can publish you post, add video and so on. In the simplest word, blog is the place for you to express your feeling and write anything according to your wish.

Rules of blogging.
Every place, every website that you go ada rules dia sendirikan? So, blog pun ada rules dia sendiri juga. Let's me tell you the rules of blogging?

1. Remember your post can be read by everybody in the internet.
This is because, once you publish you post automatically post korang will be publish at public domain like google or yahoo.

2. Remember  your blog is common on the rest of the internet.
So, jangan letak segala maklumat peribadi dekat blog korang tu, tak kiralah alamat ke , number phone korang ke atau apa - apa jualah yang berkaitan. This is because, when they know about your personal easy for them to find you. So berjaga - jaga ok.

3. Don't give away your secret.
Jangan mudah sangat post rahsia peribadi korang dekat blog ok, tolong keep it because if musuh korang tahu senang untuk mereka jatuhkan korang. Terutamanya for business blog, don't put away your company's details at your blog,this is because once their know about your secret easy for them(competitors) to drop down your company. So beware.

Advantage of blogging.
Actually there have a lot of advantage but i'll just tell you three of them.

1. you can learn new thing that you didn't know before, in the simplest word you can get information at blog.
As a blogger, kalau korang nak come up interesting topic dekat blog korang. Tolong buat research dulu sebelum korang tulis entry korang. Ok?.

2. Blog also can help you to improve your writing.
Percaya tak korang? Just imagine, bila korang asyik updated blog dalam sehari je 2, 3 kali korang akan updated. So dah berapa banyak word yang korang tulis? Dah berapa ayat yang korang hasilkan? So, secara tak langsung bila kita asyik updated blog, sebenarnya kita selalu improve writing kita. kan?

3. You also can meet new people in your daily life.
As a blogger, if korang nak jumpa people in your daily life, please make sure yang blog korang tu ada interesting and value post dan tak lupa juga blog korang nampak simple dan sedap mata orang memandang. So, secara tak langsung (bila blog korang ada interesting and valued post), so ramailah orang yang baka follow korang and tinggalkan jejak kat blog korang tu.

Ok, dah habis lah perbincangan kita pada hari ini. Thank you kepada semua yang sudi membaca hasil tulisan rojak huda ni. HEHE.
So, this is the original one and no copy paste. Thank you. HAHA ^_^

Apa pandangan korang lepas baca this entry?
the end

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