Ice watch dan keunikannya

3 minute read

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Ice watch kini mendapat perhatian ramai terutamanya dalam kalangan kaum muda masa kini. Sebut sahaja ice watch pasti semua sudah tahu kerana keunikan bentuk dia yang tersendiri dan rekaannya yang menepati cita rasa kamu dengan inovasi rekaan terkini yang memberi kebebasan untuk kamu memilih pelbagai warna dan kamu juga bebes dalam menggayakannya.

Ice watch yang kini mendapat perhatian ramai kerana harganya yang murah dan senang untuk di dapati .Apa yang menariknya, dengan hanya harga RM15 je korang dah boleh dapatkannya dan kemudian korang boleh menggayakannya dengan cara korang yang tersendiri. 

An Ice Watch for everyone

Harga murah. Mampu dimiliki .
'Change. You can'
Dengan ICE WATCH juga korang boleh mengenakan pelbagai style dan cara untuk memperlihatkan lagi keunikan Ice Watch!

This Ice Watch are suitable for everyone! 

Some description about Ice Watch!
Even with the amount of wealthy people wearing the watches, they are one of the most low cost watches on the market, yet the point, quality and durability of the product puts them up there with the best in the industry offering incredible quality for the money you have to waste to own one.The brand offers a touch different to most other brands on the market. The amount of colors and designs available to the costumer is quite amazing, with every color and shade available that you could possibly imagine. All of the watches feature Swarovski crystals, which are some of the finest crystals you will see, with the uniquely designed bracelet straps of these watches setting the brand out to offer a touch different, yet with a touch of elegance and class.The Ice Watches are currently available in around 50 countries across the globe, with thousands of partners selling the watches to both shops and online. They constantly release new ranges, which incorporate new designs, colours and styles meaning that if you want to regularly change your fashion without having to waste a lot of money, the Ice Watches are really the way to go. Low cost, high quality, wide collection
Another unique thing about the Ice Watch brand is that they are all meant to be unisex, meaning you do not need to search through any women’s or men’s timepieces to find your ideal watch, simply look through one collection and you will then be able to make your choice. The Ice collection of watches all have happy and bright colors, combined with various forms of casings and straps. Clear cases and straps with sunray dials, opaque cases and straps in black and white, flexible opaque silicone, transparent neon straps and cases. If you want a watch that is available in thousands of different styles, colors and models, Ice Watches are really the model to go for, with low cost prices and high quality production levels making this watch one to not only wear in the present but also to look out for in the future.

Where you can get it?
There have 12 different colour .
Price : RM 15 each.

More colour of  ICE WATCH you can click HERE
There have some PROMOTION for you! How? Just state where did you get the information or state the URL of this entry to them and you will get RM 1 discount for each item of Ice Watch. This promotion valid until 31 August 2013. Faster! You can get it!

Interested? You can contact them - Mushroom Street
Any information you can contact Mushroom Street . 
Thank you! =D

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