Assalamualaikum, =D
Hai semua,
Rajin pula huda update blog lately ni ye, ha macam takde kerja lain je dia nak dok update. Haha. Yelah aku dah berapa hari tinggalkan blog tanpa di update. Rindu nak menaip tau, tu yang dua tiga hari ni kerja dia update je.
Nak tulis article tengah tak ada idea, hehe. Nantilah this weekend try fikirkan idea dulu. So for this two days, mari kita berhuhu baca kita punya journal dan update research ok.

Macam tajuk yang huda nak up kali ni, "laman social and future". Guys, nowadays technology is being updated day by day, month by month and year by year. Actually laman social is important. Bukan untuk awak berkenalan dengan kawan - kawan baru, atau keep it touch dengan kawan - kawan lama. No! Laman social ni juga penting untuk masa depan korang? Kenapa huda cakap macam ni?
Two or three weeks ago, there have one HR people that share the info again about how they choose the right people on their company. He said, they will look at their future employess's social media, such as Facebook. Because they have a software, to look at your Facebook profile even you have set it as private.
Dari situlah dia akan tengok kita ni macam mana, dari situlah dia akan kenal siapa kita. Pernah tak dengar, people will know you even though from your status or what you have been write something at your social media? So macam tulah future bos korang akan kenal korang. If diorang fikir, korang ok, so maybe diorang akan set - kan korang punya interview and so on. If not, tak adalah.
Aku yang dengar ceramah time tu pun, dah rasa macam seram sejuk. Sambil berfikir ada ke aku update apa - apa yang mencurigakan? Hurmmm...rasa tak ada...
So that is why lah, laman social ni kira macam important juga tau. So be careful ok dearest =D . Sampai sini sahaja yang sempat huda share. Harap sedikit info ni dapat memberi manfaat kepada fresh graduate dan korang yang sedang mencari pekerjaan (future, nanti tiba masa I pula, huhu).
Two or three weeks ago, there have one HR people that share the info again about how they choose the right people on their company. He said, they will look at their future employess's social media, such as Facebook. Because they have a software, to look at your Facebook profile even you have set it as private.
Dari situlah dia akan tengok kita ni macam mana, dari situlah dia akan kenal siapa kita. Pernah tak dengar, people will know you even though from your status or what you have been write something at your social media? So macam tulah future bos korang akan kenal korang. If diorang fikir, korang ok, so maybe diorang akan set - kan korang punya interview and so on. If not, tak adalah.
Aku yang dengar ceramah time tu pun, dah rasa macam seram sejuk. Sambil berfikir ada ke aku update apa - apa yang mencurigakan? Hurmmm...rasa tak ada...
So that is why lah, laman social ni kira macam important juga tau. So be careful ok dearest =D . Sampai sini sahaja yang sempat huda share. Harap sedikit info ni dapat memberi manfaat kepada fresh graduate dan korang yang sedang mencari pekerjaan (future, nanti tiba masa I pula, huhu).
jemput blogwalking :)