Assalamualaikum. Kembali ke cerita throwback bersama Farahuda. Dijadikan cerita, Jumaat lepas huda berkesempatan join Media Appreciation Dinner di Paragon Hotel, yang dianjurkan oleh Paragon Hotel Johor Bahru. Beberapa customer dan media di invite dalam majlis tersebut.

Sampai - sampai je mereka baru nak ambil group photo.
So secara tak langsung, sis pun join media team.

Tak lupa gambar berempat - part of JDT Blogger team
Kak Eda, Kak Suzy, me, and Nona

Aktiviti pertama - mencanting batik.
Me and Nona.
Thanks Kak Eda for the photo hehehe.


Makan - makan

The dessert

BBQ and dessert


Pemilihan best dress for male and female.
It goes to Media Team, hehe Congrats to Sony and Tricia.
Congrats juga Nona menang lucky draw.

Ada juga few persembahan - for more CLICK HERE for short video (will upload soon)
Thank you Grand Paragon theme for the invitation.
Walaupun small majlis but yaaa its happening =D

Last but not least, sesi photo dengan media team
Thank you for coming by.
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Any comments are subjected to the Act 588 MCMC 1988.
Comment wisely, and do it with pure intentions.
Happy Blogging.